Photo of NGA core team

STEM Prominent in Scaling Work-Based Learning

Since late 2015, a core team of Iowans representing a broad spectrum of agencies has been working in concert with peers in five other states to scale work-based learning (WBL) in high-demand fields.

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New STEM Council Members

Welcome, new STEM Council members

Under the leadership of STEM Council Co-Chairs Governor Kim Reynolds and Kemin Industries President and CEO Dr. Chris Nelson, the 47-member STEM Council represents key stakeholders from across the STEM interest spectrum, including education to industry and nonprofits to policy.

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Southwest Regional STEM Advisory Board

Top programs to STEM-spire at least 86,000 young Iowans come fall

April always comes with a fresh start—budding leaves, blooming flowers and for Iowa STEM, a new garden of programs ready to grow across Iowa for youth through the Iowa STEM Scale-Up Program.

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Mega-meeting is a mega-hit for harnessing regional STEM success

Iowa’s STEM Council recognized early on the uniqueness of each of the six STEM regions they created in 2012. Their founding vision was that a statewide STEM program cannot thrive as a “one-size-fits-all” model.

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Teacher Leaders huddle over STEM

Now that teacher leaders and instructional coaches dwell in schools throughout the state, an ideal partnership is in the making between Iowa STEM and building-level lead instructors. A robust roster of 440 such pivot-point educators in the areas of mathematics and science, as well as in the applied fields of technology and engineering, were accrued with the help of superintendents across Iowa.

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Photo of Boone High School Student Jake Gourley

STEM Quality Pre-Apprenticeships to stoke Iowa’s workforce pipeline

For the majority of Iowans who did not enjoy an apprenticeship enroute to employment, the concept might conjure memories of Johnny Tremain from high school history class.

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Legislature processing computer science bill

Programming enthusiasts are watching the Iowa legislature, hoping they boot up a Computer Science bill (SF274) this session, but it will come down to a binary up or down before long.

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Family STEM festivals connect communities

A robust statewide STEM effort requires the support of all Iowans from parents, students and educators to city leaders, higher education experts and business and industry professionals. Creating an avenue for this wide array of audiences to intersect and collaborate on STEM is one mission of the STEM Council.

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National Science Foundation funded state STEM evaluation wraps up

When the National Science Foundation (NSF) issued a request for proposals from across the country for states to compete for funds to design an evaluation system for STEM, the STEM Council was just a year into operation and poised to be the laboratory rat for other statewide STEM initiatives.

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Mary Trent

Mary Trent to serve as northwest regional STEM manager

Starting in mid-March, Mary Trent will serve as the northwest regional STEM manager headquartered at Iowa Lakes Community College (ILCC).

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