Students Showcase Community Impact through STEM BEST Program at MFL MarMac High School

MORE Showcase
MFL MarMac senior and MORE student Elias Hatt talks with members of the public about his project to improve the district baseball field with the support of former players and community businesses.

The MORE program at MFL MarMac High School encourages students to build their skills in the Universal Constructs while completing authentic projects with partners in and out of the school district. MFL MarMac is located in Monona in Northeast Iowa and the program's name stands for More Opportunities, Real Experiences. They were the recipients of a STEM BEST Program Award in 2021 from the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council.

The most recent slate of projects were featured at the annual MORE Showcase earlier this month. This year's projects included the research, design and presentation of a new dog park for the city, new signage at the school's baseball field in honor of a former coach and a 5S/6S work project at a local manufacturing business that includes team building to promote an efficient and safe working environment. Phase two of the school's courtyard renovation was also highlighted while students who work in the school's student-run enterprise, The Bulldog Brew, served flavored lemonades and cold brews to Showcase visitors.

The event was attended by numerous community and business people who were able to add their names to the list of potential project partners in the future. MORE's coordinator, teacher Melissa Haberichter, also serves as the school's work-based learning coordinator. "It is really nice to be able to offer a variety of real-world experiences to our students. Not only do we encourage tons of career exploration activities, we are always looking for partners to accept internships or those who would like to have a student work with them on an authentic project," said Haberichter. "We want students to leave MFL MarMac with a story to tell of how they took the lead on a project or created something of value for others." 

Congratulations to Melissa Haberichter and the MFL MarMac students on their hard work and on adding value to their community.

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