Season 2 of the STEM Essential Podcast is now available.

Five Leading Thinkers on STEM Jobs of the Future

Season 2 of the STEM Essential podcast is under way focusing on STEM Jobs of the Future. This series covers the current state of STEM jobs, the outlook for STEM jobs, the talent needed to fill them and the strategies for meeting the demand for STEM jobs in Iowa.
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Gov. Kim Reynolds recently appointed six new members to the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council.

Iowa STEM Council Welcomes New Members

Six Iowa leaders recently joined the STEM Advisory Council, appointed by Gov. Kim Reynolds. The STEM Council is comprised of representatives from all over the state, including leaders in higher education and business, Pre-K through 12 formal and informal educators, nonprofit leaders, as well as state and local government officials.
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Educators are receiving and implementing their Differentiated Math Centers STEM Scale-Up Program.

Adapting STEM for 2020 Limitations

As early snow falls in Iowa, all communities continue to feel the effects of COVID-19. Organizations, businesses and educational institutions are adapting to an environment of social distancing and virtual access.
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STEM Council working groups are one example of the many opportunities for volunteers to get involved with the STEM Council.

Volunteerism at the Heart of STEM in Iowa

Each year, it takes an army of STEM advocates to keep the wheels in motion for STEM programming in Iowa.
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STEM Scale-Up Program providers share strategies for engagement in virtual learning environments.

Top Tips for Virtual Learning – Part 1: Strategies for Engagement

The immediate shift to virtual learning has impacted nearly every Iowan. Many are still learning how to best navigate the new virtual territory. The STEM Council sought out best practices and advice for virtual learning from our 2020 STEM Scale-Up Program providers.

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Virtual webinar to check in with participants of the Fostering Equity in the STEM Classroom Workshop.

Webinar Supports Council Equity Priority

Following the Fostering Equity in the STEM Classroom Workshop in June, the first of three follow-up webinars was held in mid-September.

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Two Programs Earn 2020 STEM Council Seal of Approval

IT and Cyber Programs Earn 2020 STEM Council Seal of Approval

The STEM Council endorsed two STEM programs in Iowa with the Seal of Approval. The Seal of Approval recognizes non-Council programs and events that are helping advance the goals of Iowa STEM, one America’s most ambitious and effective state STEM initiatives.

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STEM Scale-Up Program providers share communication best practices for virtual learning.

Top Tips for Virtual Learning - Part 2: Methods of Communication

Communication is often referred to as the key to success and is possibly even more important in a virtual learning environment. Below are some tips and best practices from STEM Scale-Up Program providers* to enhance the communication flow in a virtual settings.

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The 2018 STEM BEST partner Okoboji No Boundaries Leaving a Legacy team looks at blueprints of the new middle school.

Twelve STEM BEST Models Join Innovative Education Community

Iowa’s STEM initiative continues to grow with 12 new STEM BEST® (Businesses Engaging Students and Teachers) Programs recognized, administered by the STEM Council.

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The 2019 Iowa STEM Teacher Award recipients were honored at STEM Day at the Capitol last February.

Wanted: Outstanding STEM Teachers for Recognition

Iowa has many outstanding and dedicated educators. Most Iowans can likely recall a teacher who inspired STEM learning and a future of innovative thinking. Nominations are now being accepted to recognize those teachers with the Iowa STEM Teacher Award.

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