Spencer High School was selected to develop a school district work-based learning plan.

Nine School Districts to Pioneer Work-Based Learning Plans

Nine school districts have stepped up to create K-12 work-based learning plans that do four things: 
  1. Detail a spectrum of innovative WBL options connecting K-12 classrooms to future careers;
  2. Integrate WBL in a cohesive way across grade levels and content disciplines to diverse students;
  3. Involve businesses and other community partners; and
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Waukee APEX, a STEM BEST Program model, offers a human services sector that is designed to give students a hands-on experience.

STEM BEST Program to Emphasize High Demand Careers

The STEM Council is focusing a special round of the STEM BEST (Businesses Engaging Students and Teachers) Program to help prepare students to enter job sectors that are in high demand, made possible by legislated support funding through the Iowa Economic Development Authority.
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2021 STEM Seal of Approval

Two Programs Earn STEM Council Seal of Approval

To enculturate, sustain and spread STEM thinking, the STEM Council created the Seal of Approval to recognize and support programs and events that help achieve STEM Council goals, yet are not under the STEM Council umbrella.
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Stephanie Laird, STEM MVP

MVP for Iowa STEM: Stephanie Laird

STEM is present in our everyday lives; and Stephanie Laird, Southeast Polk Community School District Learning Supports Coordinator and this month’s STEM MVP, was drawn to STEM at an early age. Growing up in rural Illinois, she remembers unboxing and putting together her family’s first computer by herself and was thrilled when it worked.
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Any Questions?

STEM BEST H.D. Office Hours


STEM BEST H.D. Office Hours

Project Coordinator, Tanya Hunt along with current STEM BEST Mentors will hold office hours to answer questions and share details regarding STEM BEST H.D. 

Have an idea you need to talk through? 

Select the day below that is most convenient for you:

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2021-2022 STEM BEST Program mentors play a critical role in supporting the expansion of work-based learning in Iowa.

STEM BEST Program Gets Boost from Expert Mentors

From resources and webinars to workshops and handbooks, the STEM Council provides a strong support system to assist STEM BEST Programs throughout the year. These supports are made possible through the valiant efforts of the team, including STEM Council Program Coordinator Tanya Hunt and the STEM BEST Program mentors.
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The 2021 Future Ready Iowa Summit was held at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines on September 16, 2021.

Transforming Education for the Workforce

The 2021 Future Ready Iowa Summit – Transforming Education for the Workforce was held for leaders across Iowa to amplify the public conversation about connecting education and the workforce with a focus on expanding work-based learning and computer science as critical aspects of STEM education, indeed education as a whole.
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Group picture of 2021 Teacher Awardees at STEM Day at the Fair.

Nominations Open for Iowa STEM Teacher Award

The STEM Council is partnering with Kemin Industries for the eighth year of the Iowa STEM Teacher Award. Nominations opened August 22, 2021, and will be accepted through Sunday, October 10, 2021.

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